
The statusbar consists of two applications that work together to do the job. The first one is dwlb desponsible for displaying window manager information such as your tags, the layout and the window title. The second one is someblocks. A command which hosts many customizable and extensible modules that display more general system information that makes up the right side of the statusbar.

Simple statusbar


Statusbar runs automatically when dwl starts via the startw script, appearing as many modules in the top right, and will update as needed.

Window managenment info on the left side

To the left you can see your currently active tag and the tags that have some apps in them (the rest is hidden). To the right of that there is the layout information block that inidicates which layout we are on. See dwl page.

Modules on the right side

There are modules for CPU and RAM usage, laptop battery, volume, date and time, that should be self-explanatory. In addition, when making a screenshot or making a recording, some extra information will get displayed there.


Signals and updating

In the config.h file, you will notice that each statusbar module should have a unique “Update Signal.” For modules that need to update at set events, you

For example, the sb-volume module has the update signal 10 by default. If we manually run the command:

wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 3%+

This happens to increase the volume, but the module does not update with the new volume by default. We also want to signal to dwmblocks to update this module by sending it signal 10:

pkill -RTMIN+10 someblocks

This will now update the module. Although, pkill is slightly slower than the command kill, which can make a big difference if we are making semi-frequent changes in a script. To signal with kill, we must send the value plus 34. Just remember 34.

So 10 + 34 = 44, so we use this command:

kill -44 $(pidof someblocks)

(Note also we send the signal to the process ID of someblocks as well.)

Source code