24th December 2024 Release

The update introduces MARBS’s two new homegrown programs written in C. First one being marbs-themetime which automatically adjusts your current theme based on the sunset in one’s current location. The second one is long awaited battery critical level battery indicator provided by super lean marbs-cooltify. Once the battery hits 5,2 and 1 percent level, it displays a nicely animated OSD notification warning.

Action required for existing users

Run the following to install marbs-themetime.

cd ~/.local/src && git clone https://github.com/Kuchteq/marbs-themetime
cd marbs-themetime && makepkg -sif --noconfirm

For themetime to recognize your location, it uses the value present at /etc/timezone or the TZ environment variable. So one needs to add one’s location. To see the available ones you can view /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab file. For example for Helsinki, run:

echo Europe/Helsinki | sudo tee /etc/timezone

Next, run the following to install marbs-cooltify.

cd ~/.local/src && git clone https://github.com/Kuchteq/marbs-cooltify
cd marbs-cooltify && makepkg -sif --noconfirm

And finally, as with every MARBS update, run:

cd ~ && git pull 

in the home directory to pull the latest dotfiles changes. Those include changes done to startw and sb-battery scripts for the two new features.